Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Daly River to Western Australia

We set off from Daly River just after lunch and after a quick stop at Pine creek to buy lunch and enough fuel to get to Katherine.
At katherine Teresa was soon out of the shops and stocked up to push further west then south. It was already dark, but we decided that the caravan park option was not needed, so we headed out about 40 Klm along  the Victoria hwy and found a few other campers set up for the night so we joined them.
With a  early morning  start,  we were soon back in our routine taking in all the sights and seeing the area at it's best with the sun raising behind us.
The Victoria river is surrounded by rocky outcrops, that were glowing red in the morning light, all part of the Gregory National Park.
Stopping at at several points of interest to take photos and meet other travellers.
One couple we met were travelling with a  2WD ute and a caravan.  He was ex Navy and his wife was from India. They were only travelling about 200 klm a day and were horrified that our plan for the day was to be in Kununurra that afternoon.
We stopped a few times to take photos and saw them pass us only to wave our last goodbye at Victoria River Road house.
The Victoria River had plenty of water in it, not like other rivers we had crossed , which were bone dry.  The Gregory National park skirts both the road and the Victoria River, making it quite special.  We saw our first Boab Tree road side here and as we progressed west they were every where.
A farm property was also near Victoria River roadhouse and they had the paddocks full of hay rolls, it sort of looked a bit out of place all these large hay rolls with the rocky outcrops of the Gregory NP next door.
We took a few detours to see the old Victoria river crossing, that drove through the river waters  not like nowadays with a very high and wide new bridge.
The next small town which is also the last town in the NT before WA was Timber Creek.  After a quick stop in the general store, we took a few detours to points of interest around the town.
One was to a Victoria river view point and the other was up the hills overlooking the town.
We were surprised to see how big the actual town was.
As we headed to the WA boarder a sign on the road warned that cattle were crossing ahead.
We stopped to see if we could get s few pics as jackaroos and jillaroos were on their horses with many thousands of cattle rounded up ready to cross the road, however as soon as they saw the camera they were ducking there heads and turning away. So I just took a couple of photos, waited for a while, but, they just kept hiding there faces so we decided to give it away and drive on. One wonders if every thing  was above board. maybe Cattle rustlers?
Our next stop was the last rest area in the NT, already many vehicles with vans and boats in tow were stopped and some were set up for the night. The time was about 130 PM NT time.
After a rest we headed west to the Keep National park, called at a couple of points of interest and the ranger station, but there  was not a sole in sight.
The WA boarder was just up the road so we decided it was time to cross into out home state.
T and M

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