Sunday, February 15, 2015

Nha Trang Vietnam (click on Image to enlarge)

Back on a sleeper bus to travel overnight from Hoi An to Nha Trang.   The distance was only around 400 odd K' but, with traffic and road works travel time took about nine hours. Our next accommodation voucher was for a three night say on the 4th floor of our hotel, this room had a balcony that looked out to the street and although one could not see the ocean Teresa was very happy as our washing dried very quickly out on that balcony.  Once again we have visited Nha Trang several times over the years and our last visit was only a few months ago on board the Sun Princess cruise ship.
Nha Trang is being over run with Russians, thousands of them were on the beach in fact they were every where.
Lots of restaurants have Russian menus and every second travel shop was Russian and operated by Russians.
We soon worked out the bus routes from a Russian time table and got around on the local buses (full of Russians) The local buses were cheap 7,000 VND  pp, you could travel the whole route or just one stop the price was the same 7,000 VND. We visited several places of interest for just a few dollars now if you took a tour from the cruise ship to just one or two of these places it would be well over USD 100 pp.   Cont Below......

The weather now had warmed up, compared to the north and with 3 days in Nha Trang
we found it very relaxing.

The name of this Cafe caught our eye

Street Barber
Hair cut
40,000 VND

Who let the dogs out