Sunday, February 2, 2014

Van Test Run Dunsbrough - Nannap - Balingup Western Australia (Click on images to enlarge)

Late last year we purchased this VW van to set up into a camper.
Our intentions are to take it to Tasmania over the next few months.
Wanted to test the Fridge / Freezer and give the vehicle a good run before we tackle the west to east crossing of Australia.
Lunch break 40K north of Bunbury

Dunsbrough Beach

Dunsbrough Beach

Dunsbrough Beach

Eagle Bay Beach

Eagle Bay Beach

Down town Nannup

Down town Nannup

Nannup/ Balingup Road

Nannup/ Balingup Road

Nannup/ Balingup Road

Nannup/ Balingup Road
These sheep were lined up along the side of the building, trying to get what little shade that was available

Nannup/ Balingup Road
Blackwood River

Nannup/ Balingup Road

Nannup/ Balingup Road

Nannup/ Balingup Road
Blackwood River

1 comment:

  1. WELL DONE! Looks like my van!! except for the roof lights, and I have a sink over the fridge area. Off you two go and enjoy I trust all is working aokay and you can now hit to long road to ???? congratulations kidos.
